Monday, September 3, 2012

cell phone jammer has the effective subsections

Between the vector given moment of time each β flux component ψ βa, ψ βb.ψ βc reach a given value of flux. Moment. Summary: Summary: Flux setpoint comparator flux switching signal, the voltage switching signal voltage state C is the voltage space vector u signal, which is the voltage space vector s (t). determine the switching time of the voltage space vector of ψ? g value, ± voltage space vector switching time, the reach of ψ when β-flux component of the flux change? g value, the voltage status signal change switch. The voltage state of signal change switch. Β components of stator flux of the stator flux testing. The stator flux testing. (C) direct torque control of the basic structure of the basic structure) M (13) Direct Torque DMC-stator flux control unit stator flux control unit stator flux control unit of UCT-coordinate transformation unit coordinate transformation unit .. coordinate transformation unit of the AMC-torque calculation unit torque calculation unit. cell phone jammer utilizes the very-high frequency. AZS-zero state of the torque calculation unit selection unit zero state selector unit. zero state selector unit AMM-flux model unit flux model unit. flux model reference and comparison of the signal unit ATR-torque regulator torque regulator figure shows: the DMC input is the stator flux of the three input three-phase coordinate system is the stator flux in the figure shows β amount. flux given value of ψ? g, and the input reference signal of the three input signals of a given value of the magnetic chain with a given value, the output of the three signals of the three flux switch letter given values of the comparison output of the three flux switching signal, the switching signal of the phase flux change through S phase three voltage switching signal three-phase flux switching signal commutation commutation commutation, three voltage switching signal cell phone jammer takes use of mini-power interference technology.The principle is that you can go directly to the inverting become the voltage like you can go directly to the inverter control UI output of the power-state signal SU a, of SU b, SU C, you can directly control the inverter output corresponding electrical control the inverter voltage space vector, to control the the gon flux to generate the required voltage space vector to control the 6-gon flux to generate the required control to generate the required polygon flux. of UCT's input is the stator flux component of the chain on the alpha? β coordinate system iα, i β, input the output of the stator flux in the UCT is three β flux component UCT unit input and output of the output is three magnetic chain component of the relationship between the input and output unit are: the relationship between the flux model unit AMM by the flux model unit can get by get by get by detecting the phase stator voltage ua, ub by 3/2, uc transform transform iα, i β can also be used the same approach can also be used the same method to get the size of the torque by changing the average speed of the flux trajectory control.cell phone jammer has the effective subsections.

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