Monday, July 30, 2012

This kind of cell phone jammer has a wide use in the practice

This kind of cell phone jammer has a wide use in the practice
According to information: the store about 40, about the company to provide 4000 phone. Chain establishment and Distribution: phone supermarkets, like to build their own hand counter sales by our sales representatives, sales personnel of the commission as above. Analysis of the domestic mobile phone industry's marketing strategy. Abstract: The mobile phone is one of the common people's lives, durable goods, which brought convenience to people's lives. Strengthen the communication between people. With the development of modern science and technology, the update of the electronic products continues to accelerate. Phone replacement rate is also faster and faster, and dazzle consumers for new products. The competition between the mobile phone industry is growing. The location of cell phone jammer  is the center of the shielding area.
The marketing environment changes, sales and mobile phone marketing strategy analysis, and some personal recommendations. The domestic mobile phone industry in the domestic marketing conditions. Data show that the world's third mobile phone production in China, but possession of the situation to see from the mobile phone market brand of domestic brand mobile phones account for only 28.2%, the domestic mobile phone market is still the world situation of overseas unified brand. In the domestic brands, Lenovo ownership rate of 15.1%, occupy the first position, the waveguide is in hot pursuit, the two brands occupy the position of the Group, Amoi, TCL, Haier was ranked in the second group. Therefore, the customer should select the appropriate installation location ofcell phone jammer .
Obviously, there are many low market share brands in the domestic brands, these brands are generally two years ago, mobile phones, with the development of the market to stabilize, these brands are generally difficult to maintain the same some market share. Although domestic brands currently on the market situation is not optimistic, but opportunities also exist. China's domestic mobile phone brand from scratch, its market share continues to increase. According to statistics, currently active in the domestic market, a total of 37 mobile phone manufacturers.

The valid shielding scope covered by cell phone jammer is actually the round area

The survey analyzed as follows: According to market research, a supermarkets (such as the United States and other), its number of employees is generally about 30, each of them a month's sales target of 100. A shopping mall about a month can sell 3000 mobile phone. The customer has to connect the antenna to the host of cell phone jammer .
The phone on the market, about 20 kinds, the average of each phone's average monthly sales of 100-200. Each type of phone there are a variety of its monthly sales for a new mobile phone for about 80-160. And market analysis, the high sales of well-known brands such as Nokia, Motorola, Samsung. If a city's supermarkets about 30 month's total sales of M = 100 * 30 = 3000, three months sales of $ Y = 3000 * 900 * 3 = 810 million. Market share of Q = 100/3000 = 3.3%. Promotion and publicity of the total number of mobile phones on the market, and after we entered the market to be carried out within three months, our market share in these three months will reach 3.3% -5%. It should be mounted according to the corresponding letters marked on the antenna and host of cell phone jammer .
As the brand promotion and public recognition, I believe that the market share will reach a new height. According to the survey of an urban market research to understand, the phone franchise stores and appliance chain (such as Gome and Suning, etc.) of these two sales model in the consumer majority, so we can in these two channels as the main mode . Our booth set up in mobile phone shops, a personal sales, wearing the uniforms we provide responsible professional training, the implementation of the commission system (sales to mention two points). Distribution: Because like such stores are mostly concentrated in the downtown area, so it can be the same number of distribution in each a chain of 100 units, our store under the circumstances, changes in distribution in. The valid shielding scope covered by cell phone jammer  is actually the round area.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The customer needs to adjust the power ofcell phone jammer

 Follow the development of the market, in particular, changes in consumer preferences, the domestic mobile phone enterprises must extend the product line to include the phone's high, medium and low-end market. Only in this way in order to fight against the foreign brands, In addition, extensive product line to attract more consumers, thereby expanding the market share. While some clients require a lot towards whether the power ofcell phone jammer can be adjustable manually.
At present, China has a mobile phone accounts for 1/5 of the total world ownership, to become the global mobile phone consumption. But lurking behind this prosperity for the many crises and foreign mobile phone, domestic mobile phone is facing a strong impact. China's mobile phone companies is not only small-scale enterprises, but not yet fully mastered the core technology of the manufacture of mobile phone baseband chip, RF chip, the underlying software, production and supply of key components largely by foreign companies. In addition, the whereabouts of the domestic mobile phone business sales mainly in the domestic market, international market development is not enough, few exports, lack of competitiveness, at a disadvantage. So, how the domestic mobile phone enterprises in the plight of survival and development, to secure favorable conditions of competition in the market competition? Forcell phone jammer whose power can not be adjusted, the power is fixed.
Only one answer: marketing strategy, innovation, depending on the value to consumers, product marketing and services marketing both marketing strategy. Millet mobile marketing strategies and models dismantling. Introduction: the popularity of millet phone and the millet mobile phone marketing strategy is inseparable from millet phones with what kind of marketing strategy? Let us see millet mobile marketing strategy analysis. From the product side of view: located in the mobile phone enthusiasts, the core selling points high with software and hardware integration. Such a positioning is a "pseudo" positioning, the first batch of millet phone users should have two phone and an expensive one inexpensive, millet replace that cheap mobile phones. Millet located in a fever, a simple mobile phone, and make some users away. The customer needs to adjust the power ofcell phone jammer .

It is the ultra low radiation of cell phone jammer

It is the ultra low radiation of cell phone jammer
Thus, the domestic mobile phone manufacturers must strengthen the assessment and management of sales staff, to establish a sound financial system and the daily management of the system, the development of the accounts receivable system to build customer profiles, to prevent the use of public funds to private, even absconding with money. The same time, relatively stable and rational flow of a combination of sales force structure, as far as possible to meet the reasonable needs of the sales staff, mobilize their enthusiasm, to insist on the use and cultivation of the principle of combining to make them feel the warmth of the enterprise, in order to retain good sales staff. From the mobile phone market, mobile phone products has become a key factor in the competition in the mobile phone market. It means the power of somecell phone jammer can be adjusted to meet different situations and requirements.
For the domestic mobile phone enterprises, product strategy has become the most important marketing strategy to one of the components. Domestic mobile phone enterprises must always pay attention to the new trend of mobile phone market. Phone products are high-tech products, every technology, significant advances are a reshuffle, the mobile phone market means that the technology is a decisive factor in the product, because the cell phone technology is in constant change and innovation needs in the mobile phone R & D huge investment. The product line is closely related to groups of products, these products function in a similar manner, to sell to similar customers, and sold through the same kind of sales channels, sales prices are also changes within a certain amplitude. Some customer has no specific requirements for the adjustable power ofcell phone jammer .
With the foreign brand mobile phone companies are increasingly inclined to the Chinese mobile phone market, such as Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, intense competition in the mobile phone market is reflected in the extremely versatile product. In addition, consumers of mobile phones more and more rational, mobile phones are increasingly high requirements, the requirements of fashion, individuality, more features, more fun colors.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We can customize different cell phone jammer of various frequencies

generally finished Bi for thickness and deep, the side wall core hole bit more pumping, core pulling a larger force, the slider in the running, finished the slider pull may be deformed or strained. Pull the slider to prevent deformation or the finished product is strained, to be played within the thimble in the slide, pull the slider to prevent deformation or the finished product is strained, in the form below (the case when the mold). Our company can independently develop cell phone jammer.
When the product or products the top wall of the inner surface of the inner surface appears upside down, the use of slant is often very effective. The working principle is: the top of the product at the same time restricted by the slope, while for lateral movement, so that products from . Off the top of the ramp is basically a variant of the system, so the design of the first inclined to consider selling out for the top travel EH. Ejection stroke to consider three key elements: the top of the EH must be able to travel out of parting finished top, so the distance must be greater than the height H. finished top of the stroke can not be too long, too long, then will sell off the ramp mold. Therefore, the actual top of the trip must be less than ramp EH sell high. For safety, the designer can install the stopper in the ejector plate to ensure that top out at the top of the range only EH. We can customize different cell phone jammer of various frequencies.
Off the top of the stroke with the oblique angle of the finished product must be able to undercut bit out of the mold, so the actual ejection from the EH * tan (angle oblique pin θ) must be greater than undercut travel S. In order to ensure the finished product off the top of the ramp when the stay in distance from the mold long enough, will not sell out of the mold so inclined, so if the ramp finished off a high LH height H of at least twice the slant angle of up to 7o (subject to the Company equipment capacity limit), usually 5 o, the size of depending on the itinerary and the top of the space may be, sometimes increasing the height of C board to ensure that the ejection. If the finished product (as shown at A) off ramp has been installed in the finished product off the left and right oblique (about 20mm at) Do not install the thimble. Finished on the premises on the top of the ramp off them alone. According to customer’s needs our company can produce the OEM products of cell phone jammer for extensive customers.

Independent Research of cell phone jammer

Dial surface and the slider block toggle inclined holes have a gap with 0.5 to mold smoothly. (Δ allocated block struck the surface with the clearance between the slider, B is a block toggle dial face). Allocated block angle α = β ≦ 25 ° (α block to pull angle, β is the angle stop pulling the block). allocated block in the template with the length of the H1 ≧ 1.5W (to ensure that allocated the block strength). S = T +2 ~ 3mm (S required for the horizontal movement of the slider distance; T to undercut the finished product). on the fixed plate thickness H2 ≧ 1.5 D (D for large rod diameter; H2 on a fixed plate thickness). The company manufacturing cell phone jammer has powerful research and development ability.
Set aside a block into the mounting plate on the depth of H ≧ 1/2H2. Sprue bushing head to do a taper so that the mold. And to be mounted on the mounting plate to prevent the machine from the nozzle on the nozzle bushing, resulting in inconvenience to the phenomenon of drawing out, under the influence of an injection. Within the allocated block in the parent template material to escape. Small rod limit stroke S ≦ 2/3H1, to facilitate clamping. (H1 as the height of the slider). Lever positioning of the front slope of the best process, constitute a three-point support, increased allocation of block strength. To successfully pull block assembly, requiring point E at the point D on the right. As shown below. Tilt slider parameter calculation and design features: Due to undercut finished surface is tilted, so the direction of movement of the slider with the finished product undercut slope in the same direction, the side will not strain the finished product. Our company has ability to independently research cell phone jammer.
Generally used in the finished product has slider mechanism, while the direction of motion along the slider also has undercut the finished product, then sales can be used to ramp-up slider. Following picture shows the oblique pin-up slider typical example: S3 = L * tgα (S3 to slide down into the sub-vertical distance B: α for the "T" slot angle: L is the limit screw stroke). S4> S1 + S3 (S4 movement for the stroke seat slider; S1 level undercut distance: S3 to slide into the sub-B distance of horizontal movement distance). β is the angle braces off; δ-bit bracing pin and slider seat space: H for bracing vertical pin inserted into the slider block.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The other cell phone jammer of the other brand doesn’t always can do this

To help fill in the worn area without affecting the touch to do more case of the exhaust, with the parting, insert the end of the bone-bit side. Shorter length of the exhaust to do (2 ~ 3mm), followed with a deep exhaust leads to ensure good results. Small outlet has done the end of the exhaust flow can help fill. And the normal work of the nearby base station will not be influenced by cell phone jammer.
First assembly of finished products, within the given method (or other assembly relations) assembly, under the Analysis model anlysis check whether the assembly interference. Projects selected in the TYPE global interference, the other can not change, and then click compute to. When there is interference when, result window will display the product name interference on the screen while a red dot that interfere with site. To have the red dot at the section to do, see details for further examination. Check the suitability of the product assembly space. Check the product and part of the structure is reasonable, for processing, injection of the existence of significant adverse effects. Check that there is a die hard or not the mold, such as in undercut and so on. Check the product text font width is appropriate, whether processing. The other cell phone jammer of the other brand doesn’t always can do this.
First Lieutenant in the Analysis Surface Analysis TYPE is set to Draft chack, surface field is set to part, Angle Option field is set to Both directions, and then set the reference draft angle, select the mold direction of the plane, click Computer, then the system analysis will calculate and display the icon. What aspects of this product available to do the stripping slope. Pay special attention to wear a bit draft angle plug size, usually 2 ~ 5 °. Product and bone-bit (spark direct hit), column-draft angles may test filter. When the need to increase the draft angle, the general principle is that the direction of pull to cut plastic mold, to facilitate future change mode. More than 200m away from the base station, the radius of covering range of cell phone jammer is 20-50m. Electroplating products need to set the circular flow channel, to add after the mold rubber column, its height should exceed the thickness of the product before the mold part 2MM, and each product required to set up garbage in the opposite position into points to make the electroplating finished a solid box;

Radius of Covering Range of cell phone jammer

To shorten delivery time, try to do fine with the open box stock standard mold and the mold material. Handset mode for the high demands of precision molds, mold temperature must be strictly controlled, so carrying water to multi-row, to ensure that no more than three out of the water temperature degree. In order to improve the molding cycle, relatively large diameter water transport is appropriate. Change the mode for mobile phones are generally a lot of inserts easy to do for the future, especially after the mold products are transported below the water must not do. Note the product out of body parts when wiring the control to ensure that the product does not produce the segment should not be poor, do not wire affect the appearance. Only the downward frequency of the base station signal will be shielded by cell phone jammer.
To reduce the wiring, inserts can be as much as possible with the previous model with the discharge or when polished. After a good customer products and more on the mold surface is also required, in order to achieve good performance, thimble can work together to EDM. To ensure accurate positioning before and after the mold, do guided auxiliary column and sub-surface positioning device assisted positioning boss. The product delivery and more urgent, to seize the market to help customers as quickly as possible, to try to shorten the molding cycle. INSERT beer for goods such methods take more time to avoid, with beer later ultrasound and other methods to complete. The complex structure of mobile phone products, mold by, inserted through a lot, each mold should be made on the part drawing instructions, easy processing and fitter. The upward frequency will not be influenced by cell phone jammer.
Products important to the assembly position should bear many parts of iron material tolerances. Due to injection pressure, high yield, the lifter must be done perpendicular to the direction of the platform to mold to withstand injection pressure. The complex structure of the product small, slant very thin, so make double-style slant. Thimble flat slant because many of the top of the smooth, thimble plate guide pin must be done. ARRANGE support head. More potential with an automatic cut off and the horn into the water to improve water productivity (soft-type parts are not used); ensure less residual traces of the gate (to avoid pouring boss can be done by the injection at plastic round table).

Monday, July 16, 2012

cell phone jammer company owns an authoritative R&D team

Is a brief piercing the shield cable are two possibilities: 1. Will lead shielding, which is equivalent to the shield extends to the wire ends. 2 pairs of wires be filtered, filter out high frequency components on the wire. Shielding process: installing the cable port on the low-pass filter can effectively filter out the interference on the cable to maintain the integrity of the shield. However, the premise is transmitted on the cable to protect the signal frequency and interference frequency far behind.
Normally cell phone jammer in the area 200m beyond the base station plays best.How to choose the screen mode with the current rapid development of information transmission technology, cabling system transmission rate in steady speed, it also brings a certain vulnerability of anti-interference, it is because the higher the frequency of information transmission, the signal sensitivity increase, while less and less of their energy, at this time more susceptible to interference cabling system. everywhere in the cable and equipment interfere with other components would interfere with or seriously interfere with other sources of interference, such as: computer screens, motors, mobile phones, radio broadcasting equipment, data transmission and power cables, etc. Once you turn the MDPB-02 mobile phone jammer on, it would work immediately.potential eavesdroppers, hackers and cyber crime increasing, because they block UTP cable transmission of information will cause huge damage and loss even if no physical connection, interception of information transmitted over UTP cable is also very easy, the intruder only to have a wireless receiver, signal processing equipment and a portable machine to commit crimes. data block in a few centimeters to several hundred meters are likely to occur within , and in most cases, completely unable to monitor, especially when using high-speed data network, blocking a lot of information was significantly lower than the time required to intercept low-speed data transfer time required. data twisted pair of strands in the low frequency.Once you turn the MDPB-02 cell phone jammer on, it would start a nonstop and steady work. The following can be twisted on its own to resist foreign interference and crosstalk between the lines of, but at high frequencies (especially when the frequency exceeds 250MHz or more), twisted pair alone has been unable to achieve the purpose of interference, can only shield against outside interference. cable shield acts as a Faraday shield, interfering signals into the shield layer, but not into the conductor, so data can be trouble-free operation due to shielded cable ( STP) than non-shielded cable with a lower radiation distribution, thus preventing the network transmission was blocked. shielded network (shielded cables and components) can significantly reduce access to the surrounding environment may be able to intercept the electromagnetic radiation levels. Belden has developed a unique set of shielding methods to improve the cable against electromagnetic interference / radio frequency interference and ensure signal integrity for data, audio and video to provide a guarantee for the smooth transmission and avoid downtime.What’s the main technical index of MDPB-02 cell phone jammer? For special interference problems, Belden can be designed and manufactured in accordance with requirements of shielded cable program. different interference field of the main screen select the interference field electromagnetic interference and radio frequency interference are two kinds of electromagnetic interference (EMI) is mainly low-frequency interference, motors, fluorescent and power lines are often sources of electromagnetic interference.
radio frequency interference (RFI) is a radio frequency interference, mainly high-frequency interference radio, television, radar and other wireless communications are often the source of RF interference for resistance to electromagnetic interference, select Braid the most effective, because of its low critical resistance; and for radio frequency interference.

cell phone jammer company has strong technical support

 The advantages are the following: increase pore cutoff frequency, to improve the shielding effectiveness of a single hole; increase the radiation source relative to the hole distance (compared with the size of the hole), reducing the leakage of holes (hole leak and distance from the radiation source to the hole); if there is a certain thickness of the perforated plate, can increase the cut-off waveguide attenuation. When the shielding effectiveness of the shield less demanding and less demanding on the ventilation rate, you can use perforated metal, perforated metal plate has the advantage of low cost. However, the amount of shielding between the performance and ventilation contradiction. Products from this cell phone jammer firm are deeply loved by customers in general.Metal mesh: the ventilation holes on the installation of a metal mesh, metal mesh and the shield between the lap to be reliable, to prevent the leakage gap. Metal mesh between the warp and weft to be reliable lap, or shielding effectiveness is very low. Cutoff waveguide plate: If the amount of shielding effectiveness and ventilation requirements are higher, you can use the cut-off waveguide ventilation plate. This board consists of many hexagonal close air waveguide structure, as the cut-off waveguide high shielding effectiveness, and each waveguide wall thickness is thin, so that both the ventilation plate ventilation characteristics and electromagnetic shielding. When using the cutoff waveguide plate, also pay attention to the chassis base overlap between the general use of welding or electromagnetic gasket connection.The main functions and technical index of MDPB-02 cell phone jammer used in examination rooms. As of the cutoff waveguide loss of high frequency cut-off frequency fc frequency electromagnetic waves through the waveguide, very low frequency electromagnetic loss! Work in the cutoff region of the waveguide is called cut-off waveguide. D. processing device operation to open holes on the shield on the shield planted cutoff waveguide effective isolation device to isolate the module will operate the processing device operation, there are two methods: one is directly in the panel opening, the same way as with conventional installation of the operating device, the biggest advantage of the direct method of installation is simple, but will lead to a certain degree of electromagnetic leakage, for two reasons, one is opening a larger size, leading to the chassis leakage of high frequency signals generated by the circuit; another reason operating the device from the hole is due to close, and some even out of the hole, carrying on the operation of the device electromagnetic interference leaking from the hole. MDPB-02 mobile phone jammer could effectively shield signals from all kinds of cell phones.Therefore, the method is only suitable for direct installation of shielding effectiveness requirements are very low, or need a smaller pore size of the occasion. Directly to the operating device is mounted on the panel will result in excessive leakage, you can use a lever to operate the device for indirect control. This can not only reduce the size of openings, but also allows the operator from opening the device, reducing the opening of the leak. If you open a small hole or can not meet the shielding requirements, you can install a cut-off in the open waveguide. No matter which method should pay attention to, through the holes or cut-off waveguide rod can not use metal rods. Another method is to set the isolation tank, the equipment and operation of the main circuit devices (external devices) isolate. MDPB-02 cell phone jammer wouldn’t influence the normal work of other electronic equipment.Compartments for installation methods to avoid problems arising directly, but need to increase costs, including the cost of isolation chamber, electromagnetic sealing gasket cost, filter cost. E. through processing through the shield conductor to the shield conductor damage is very serious.

Friday, July 13, 2012

This kind of cell phone jammer is very powerful

MMS-capable mobile phone is unique in its built-in media editor, allowing users to easily write multimedia information. If the phone has a built-in or external camera, users can create PowerPoint format information or e-postcards and send them to friends or colleagues. Currently, the application service has matured and become mainstream text formats. MMS is the second SMS (text messaging service), EMS (Enhanced Message Service) after the "third-generation messaging services." The director plans to collect more advice about workshop management of cell phone jammer .
Can only send and receive SMS text messages, EMS text messages can add ringtones, simple graphics and simple animations, MMS can send and receive greatly expanded media types, text, pictures and ring tones can be a simple transfer, complex images such as photographs, Large pieces of music charts and send the video clip you can better play the role of MMS. MMS is the industry standard by the two organizations, WAP Forum (WAP Forum) and 3GPP (3G Partnership Project: 3G Partnership) formulated. Therefore, MMS is designed to run in the upper WAP protocol, it is not limited to transmission format, support both circuit-switched data format (circuit-switched data), also supports the General Packet Radio Service GPRS format (general packet radio service). The technical group of cell phone jammer will perform the inspection item by item.
The working principle for the use of high-speed transmission technologies EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Erolution is a new technology to improve the data rate is GSM to third generation mobile communication system IMT-2000 transition stage and it is also known as GSM 384, because This technology allows data rates from the current 9.6kbit / s to 384kbit / s, this rate can support voice, Internet browsing, e-mail, video conferencing and other high-speed data) and GPRS support, the WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) as the carrier to send video, pictures, sound and text. Mobile phone short message capacity refers to the phone itself can store the number of short messages. The task of production month of cell phone jammer is very tight.
This feature facilitates the SMS family, need to retain the messages can be easily retained in the phone. The current capacity of mobile phone short message focused on the 10 - 250 between, of course, there are high-end smart phone short message capacity will be more. Now this feature has become a major buy mobile phones to meet consumer demand. SMS message sending function can be distributed to multiple users simultaneously, without having to individually send function. This feature is actually the one with the same content repeatedly sent text messages to multiple recipients, groups and groups in the past without sending the phone to spend a lot of time and effort. If the recipient of many, for example, 50 people, sending speed will be slower, and the number of charges is paid by the recipient. The workshop should implement the self inspection of mobile phone jammer.
Fast and convenient to send messages, do not find the phone numbers one by one by one to send, save a lot of repeated processes. At the same time send mass text messages to avoid leakage of the case, the person may be required to send all of Paul. Quickly send information: You can also send the same message to a large number of targets, and ensure that all objectives can be the fastest to receive. A lot of communication cost savings: up to each send a message of not more than 0.10 yuan, and no communication charges and roaming charges, can greatly reduce the customer's telephone charges section of communication costs. Typical is the use of mobile phones while driving. Final inspection of cell phone jammer  is very important.

More functions of cell phone jammer can be added according to needs

Large-capacity phone book is also a new phone a selling point. As modern communication increasingly wide area, know more and more people need to store phone numbers also increase, and we now have many new mobile phones with large phone book capacity to meet customer needs. Like most of the current market concentrated in the phone book capacity of 100 - 500 between articles. And some manufacturers provide a more user-friendly design, the phone book menu design was divided into two parts, the upper part of the display names, the lower half shows the person's mobile phone, Home Tel, fax, e-mail and other contact information, allows the user to find the phone at a glance. General Manager lays much importance on strict inspection of cell phone jammers .
Phone book from scratch, from English to Chinese, after ten years of development. The future development trend is the development of a contact from the phone book book, which is in a name, you can store landline, mobile phone, Home Tel, units, fax, address, email and many other content, and different people were set personalized ring tones and a variety of pictures. This address book is in the phone book, based on the content greatly enriched, but also produced a revolutionary change in the structure, there are many mobile phone to achieve this function. Grouping of the existing phone book phone book according to user needs, define the group as a phone book from additional features. The group leader should prepare a comprehensive weekly report of cell phone jammer based on weekly reports of group members.
The advantage of this feature the user can more easily be found through the group of people looking for phone numbers and related information; In addition, when users want to send the same message to some people when you can send by group, eliminating the need to read one by one phone number The complex work (to be mobile with mass function). Phone supports multimedia messaging protocol that is an agreement, currently there are SMS, EMS and MMS three. SMS (Short Messaging Service), namely: Short Message Service. Is the first short message service, is now the highest penetration rate of a short message service, through its mobile phone send and receive text messages between each other, the contents of text, numbers, or binary-based non-text data, at present, this short message length is limited to 140 bytes in.  cell phone jammer is in the direct charge of Vice Chief Engineer.
Easy to use SMS to function by the masses of users, spread rapidly, but it is always the first generation of wireless data services, content and applications in the technical criteria. EMS (Enhanced Message Service) Chinese word for Enhanced Short Message Service. SMS to it compared to its advantage is in addition to send as SMS text messaging as, you can also send a simple image, sound and animation and other information. The bigger advantage is that it can still run in the original EMS run SMS on GSM networks, and sending means and method of operation is no different. The standards are open, so any interested party of the EMS company or individual can develop applications on this platform software and services. The director is mainly in charge of site management of cell phone jammer .
However, there are various mobile phone brands technical incompatibilities, often only in the actual use of mobile phone brands in the same room with each other to achieve the above transfer, the utility needs to be further improved. Multimedia Messaging Service MMS is the abbreviation of the Chinese translation of multimedia information services, also known as "MMS" in accordance with the 3GPP standard is the standard WAP Forum standard for multimedia information, the latest development of the business, its biggest feature is support for multimedia features , in GPRS, CDMA 1X, 3G, EDGE support, the WAP wireless application protocol as a carrier to send video clips, pictures, sound and text transmission between mobile phones in addition to transmission, but also can be between mobile phones and computers of transmission. Site management of cell phone jammer can improve efficiency of manufacturing cell phone jammer .

Monday, July 9, 2012

The customer should use the cell phone jammer in the relatively dry condition

3G mobile phone sales will reach 155 million in 2013. The long run, it is expected that from 2010 to 2015, Chinese mobile phone market will enter a new round of rapid growth, with the tariff policy of the operator to adjust and, especially in the low-end customized further expand the scale of the ultra-low-end phones, cell phone new will maintain a rapid growth in consumption; in size every year, making the replacement user to zoom in with the in-depth development of multimedia mobile phone market segments and a large user base; in an orderly manner, with the mobile phone approval system to the smooth implementation of the 3G network upgrades in China institutional change, and the mobile communications industry itself, a positive change for the market to re-energize. Actually, the paste component is one of the most remarkable characteristics for this kind of  cell phone jammers .
Samsung mobile phones in the store's marketing plan book. Introduction: With the changing of the times, the continuous development of science and technology, communication tools in our lives more and more occupy an important position. The existence of the phone gave us a lot of convenience, the shorter the distance between people. Good phone to have a good marketing plan for the job to be able to make it in such a competitive market place. Samsung mobile phones has been a good service attitude to do their own marketing, high-quality products to recommend. Phone marketing situation: China's mobile phone market is in rapid growth stage, the development trend of the overall good. The unprecedented challenges of the changing economic situation in 2008, in the face of the international financial crisis. The customer can freely choose this kind of  cell phone jammer  to jam the cell phone signal.
China launched a new round of macro-control at an unprecedented intensity. To implement the proactive fiscal policy and moderately loose monetary policy to pass a clear signal: expansion of domestic demand, capital growth, adjusting the structure of the control measures will promote China's economy out of the woods, towards a new stage of development. At a time when the era of great development of China's mobile phone industry change, which has always been people of all ages, regardless of performance or appearance of the phone are constantly updated. Now many businesses are conducting their own sales activities, in order to attract customers. Phone performance, full-featured, affordable, consumers can accept, good service attitude. Disadvantage. Long period of use. The integrated circuit adopts the advanced technology to ensure the good quality of the integrated circuit of  mobile phone jammer .
In the sale of the downtown area, major companies are located here, from a sponsorship or investment. The threat of competitors, the other side of the sales market, but also belong to their own advantage. Also being affected by the majority of consumers. Market segmentation: Age: 20 to 30 years of age, sex: Female, level of education and culture: the people of college students and even office workers, consumer attitudes: the price of mid-priced, can afford, all aspects of performance are better. Personal Preference: prefer a more feminine, the color tends to dark. Market selection: a different consumer market segments have different needs, based on consumer needs and preferences, and sales in more prosperous urban areas. Therefore, the good quality and high performance of  cell phone jammer  can be ensured.
Either side of the sales side of the understanding of consumer needs, a great help to the continuous improvement of products. Market orientation: the adversarial positioning. Estimated that they have to teach strong strength, and the strongest competitors "confrontational", as long as they have equal shares is a huge success. The overall concept of mobile phone products: 1, the level of the core product: the basic utility of the consumers really need, interest, can provide the basic utility and interests of consumers. The phone's core products to meet anytime, anywhere communication needs of people. Form of product levels: the specific form of the product, the material carriers of the core product level. The form of products is the external form of customer to touch, feel, smell the product. So that  cell phone jammer can be widely used in the locations the customer wants to use.

The antenna, cable and power supply of cell phone jammer should also be maintained well

More than 50,000 students in entrepreneurship training. In support of the China Youth Federation, the colleges and universities to train more than 100 professional teachers, and opened the KAB (Know about business) courses, counseling for nearly 60,000 college students committed to entrepreneurship. In addition, the program selection of excellent business plan submitted by the students, and has funded 18 outstanding entrepreneurial projects, each project in addition to the $ 50,000 in funding, but also sustained entrepreneurial guidance and training. Nokia youth entrepreneurship education program will enter the second phase in 2010-2012, Nokia once again to provide 6.7 million funding, and the strong support given to entrepreneurship education. The strict quality inspection and quality control should be perform for  cell phone jammer .
January 23, 2007, world-class brands, then Strategic Forum held in Beijing, Sony Ericsson China, Communication and Public Relations Senior male pipe manager Gu Ming speech. Expansion of the corporate reputation. Sony Ericsson Sony Ericsson holding the global production base in Beijing SE Putian Mobile Communications Co., Ltd. as the Sichuan earthquake disaster area donations, establish a good social image. Analysis: The focus on public relations, and practical action to obtain the consumers and the public recognition of the value of long-term interests of the enterprise-class brand, and establish the correct guidance of public opinion. Corporate earnings, significant benefits to the enterprise. Ensure the high quality and performance of  cell phone jammer .
Buy a mobile phone to send phone calls, memory card, such as: Samsung the i908E June bargain purchase send thousand dollars bill to meet the needs of our customers, the Samsung phone in the summer arrives on June officially launched i908L purple and gold series The new models, in order to support and love to reward our clients with the Samsung mobile phones, Samsung cell phone special cooperation with China Mobile to launch purchase, gift activities of the 1200 yuan bill. Backgammon mobile phone sales to promote: you can receive a backgammon music phone a SMS phone interaction in the activities of the major TV stations. To buy their specific models presented a specific gift. (Similar to buy a mobile phone to send an umbrella to promote the sale of such a simple way to still be able to win the praise of consumers. It will greatly influence use, operation and performance of mobile phone jammer .
Although the price of gifts is actually a consumer to bear, but most consumers will be gifts will feel the sweetness, thus increasing the loyalty of business). Analysis: to promote sales within the short term to pave the way for new products, promotional gifts can be increase the distance of businesses, products and consumers, involving consumers brand goodwill, this means most frequently used in business competition. 2010 China's mobile phone industry has been through the global financial crisis and shrinking overseas markets caused by the cold wave, mobile phone production and exports are up sharply increased. 2009 ring true for the development of China's mobile phone industry, mobile phone production in the first two months of 2009 dropped 11.2 percent year-on-year, mobile phone export and auto parts more than the same period last year dropped 17.2 percent, the rate of decline for the past few years the.  cell phone jammer  has the strict quality control process.
However, according to data released by the Ministry of Industry, January-April 2010, China's mobile phone output of 233 million units, up 34.5 percent; Customs statistics show that the January-May 2010, China's mobile phone export reached $ 16 billion, an increase of 23.3%. By the operator subsidies to stimulate as well as replacement of the impact on demand is expected that the domestic mobile phone shipments in 2010 will rise to 266 million, an increase of 11 percent more than in 2009. 3G handsets and smartphones will be the most popular products in 2010, is expected in 2010, China's domestic shipments of smart phones will grow to more than 26 million. In 2010, the mainland of China 3G mobile phone sales will reach 35 million to 43 million, accounting for 12-15% of overall sales of the mobile phone market. Therefore,  cell phone jammer  made of the qualified raw material with the quality system strictly obeyed will work stably and reliably.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The original technology should be enhanced to perfect the parameter of cell phone jammer

Domestic brands of flat channel model, several aspects of channel cost less than foreign brands, they can be given to City, a dealer, retail stores, more profits, enhanced the attractiveness of the channel, the channel is willing to The main push of the domestic brands. Terminal force in the domestic brands of domestic brands the entire insured channel inventory, dealers feel there is no risk, dealers do domestic brands no worries. This is tantamount to increased domestic brand market coverage, increase the thrust of the channel. Nokia Nokia "human technology" to give the brand a balanced personality, and focus on the relationship between brands and consumers, so that consumers have a sense of caring. The electromagnetic wave will influence the safety and security of the gas station or petrol station so  cell phone jammer is needed.
This feeling that Nokia really understand the needs of their lives, and know how to use their scientific and technological strength to help them. Nokia to expand the use of the product areas of "human technology" brand concept has changed the mobile phone is to understand the limitations of a high-tech communications products, so that people realize that the phone is part of life, while Nokia's efforts to let the technology to help people in the past better communication between each other, a better life. Nokia is the value of the highest principles, understanding of the value orientation of people to meet the needs of human values. In the subsequent series of advertising campaigns, Nokia and not too much emphasis on mobile phones in some of the technical performance characteristics, but to allow consumers to see the new consumption trend triggered by a mobile phone.  cell phone jammer  can be used in various locations according to the actual need of the customer.
Phone from the original only limited to business purposes into the mass consumer goods, Nokia is the leader of this mobile phone revolution in consumer attitudes. This should be a management guru Peter Drucker's words: "the information revolution is not a science and technology, machinery, technology, software, or the speed of revolution, but the concept of revolution." Samsung .09, Samsung introduced three TD mobile phone, I6320/S3930C / S5630C, with the mobile positioning on the TD, the entire Samsung TD mobile phone positioned as a fashion phone. Motorola. Many analysts of the Motorola Android phone, whether it will adopt the Razr as brilliant design skeptical. Analysts expect Motorola Android phones, may introduce some competitors, HTC has introduced the function. However, even so, the electromagnetic radiation of cell phone jammer  is still low enough so that no harm will be done to the customer.
The Falcon Point Capital Corporation Managing Director, Michael Mahoney, Michael Mahoney, said, "I think the Motorola Android phone will not be too impressive." This Motorola's focus on low-end market, positioned as a low-end phones. Section III. Hunger Apple's marketing and brand strategy, brand identity throughout the hunger of the Apple brand marketing by adjusting the amount of both ends of the supply and demand affect the price of the terminal to reach the high-priced to sell highly profitable purpose. This can be obtained from the relevant data for the entire mobile phone industry and the financial statements of the Apple display. According to the most recent quarterly earnings report, Apple's cell phone is only 5% of the mobile phone market share, while the IPHONE series of profits accounted for 55% of the profits of the entire mobile phone industry. This kind of  mobile phone jammer will only act on the communication of the cell phone instead of other electronic devices.
A cost price of about $ 150 IPHONE4 phone, the retail price of up to 500-800 dollars. IPHONE, or IPOD, or IPAD, patterned focus of Apple's full range of product lines are domestic cottage manufacturers, as early as the first generation of Apple's mobile phone market, cottage version of Mac hiPhone has created over the sales of more than iPhone record, even hiPhone functionally more powerful, long standby time, dual network dual standby, takeaway battery charging convenience. Obviously, excessive hunger marketing does not work in the Chinese market. In summary, the strong brand, good products, good marketing is the key. That means that the customer can use  cell phone jammer  in the predicted applications they want to use safely.

The manufacturer has to own the mature and advanced technology of producing cell phone jammer

Europe in 1982 set up a 1985 GSM (mobile communications in particular group), commercially available mobile phones in the first in the modern sense was born. It is the power and antenna placed in an example, the weight of three kilograms. Close to the modern shape of the phone, was born in 1987. Its weight is still about 750 grams, weighs only 60 grams mobile phone compared to, like a big brick. Since then, the "downsizing" of the phone quickly. In 1991, the phone weighs 250 grams. The fall of 1996 appeared a volume of 100 cubic centimeters, weighs 100 grams mobile phone. After further, smaller, lighter, 1999, light to less than 60 grams. And at the same time, the integrated circuit is the other remarkable characteristic of this kind of  cell phone jammers .
Pay more attention to the phone's shape and call functions in the development of the mobile phone industry in 1999. From 2000, the mobile phone industry has begun to strengthen its function aspects of development. 1971 Americans SamHurst invented the world's first touch sensor .1982, Sam Hurst, the company in the U.S. science and technology exhibition on display 33 touch screen TV in 2007, the world's first full touch screen phone LG KE850. Until now, mobile performance and more powerful. Some can even be comparable with a computer, the replacement rate is also very fast. The following timeline for the development of several typical mobile phone: foreign mobile phone brands in the brand, technology has some advantages. And at the same time, the installation and use method of this kind of  cell phone jammer are described in the user’s manual.
Follows the channels of the products led in the past period due to foreign brands, however, is basically a high-end delivery of goods, products, sales channels overlap, confusion, same product dealers compete with each other, exclusion, resulting in chaotic management of the channels in the price. distributor, the retailer's profit is low, while the optional product in the channel where increased foreign brands are increasingly at a disadvantage. Foreign brands always in an embarrassing position, covering incomplete products of an agent to do a Model afraid to give a few do, the price control is not good. Foreign brands is always a clear channel structure, resulting in channels price management of the foreign brands less and less confident. Dealers in many parts of the foreign brands as trade machine, the domestic brand as the flagship model, the market dominance of foreign brands is gradually diluted. It is the paste component and integrated circuit of  cell phone jammer .
Foreign brand marketing model there is one of the biggest drawbacks is that the market work does not extend to the suburbs and suburban sales can account for 50% of total sales. Domestic brands are now the biggest advantage is in some second and third tier cities, promoters, foreign brands can not do, now the agent can not do. Want to do a cost basis, they would not do, because an agent to only one or two types of products, the promoters are only promoting one type of products, from the cost calculation is uneconomical. Market management capacity of less than foreign brands in the market can not be extended to the vast areas outside the central city, causing the ground to promote ineffective first-line second and third tier cities, counters, store the image of the store coverage is inadequate, some of the major stores are domestic brands accounted for foreign brands, the lack of effective sales positions. Here will introduce a new type of cell phone jammer .
Currently sought after by the same digital products in China, as if to follow the star, celebrity signatures like long lines, and only the "apple" can cause such a bizarre move. ", Which involved queuing, in addition is a fan of Apple terminal. Apple accessories dealer, wants to "sneak preview" in depth "the camp" to explore "military intelligence". The most complete in the main domestic Apple Accessories products "thinking group", the reporter was informed that Apple Shanghai store opening, in cooperation with the national distributor to Shanghai, and explore in advance and thinking. Thinking Group as Apple accessories strategic partner, as the domestic apple accessories "forerunner", combined with Apple's nearly a decade to enter the China market development strategy, and thinking the Group over the past decade the main Apple Accessories practical experience to give "followers" provides some insights. For example, if the student is not allow to use the cell phone during class for it will influence teaching process and other students,  cell phone jammer  can be used to prevent the phenomenon.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The detector of cell phone jammer intelligent system has group management mode

The same MTK platform phone, but have different functions, the speed will be different, the software will not support all this because the reason of the chipset. WM system can be used to compare the WM equivalent of MTK often brush ROM should know the WMROM kernel version, such as 23001,23004,23009 like, therefore MTK chipset 6227,6229,6235 on similar WM kernel version (just for example, in fact, there is a difference). MTK chipset, there are three major aspects: the first is a power chip. MTK has two power chip, the MT6305 and MT6318. It is suggested that one  cell phone jammer should be installed at every floor at least.
The second is the RF chip. All MTK models of radio frequency chips, are using the MT6129 and MT6139 chip to achieve the signal receiving and transmitting. The third is the CPU chip, also known as the master chip. We usually refer to MTK chip, refers to the CPU chip. MT6205, MT6217, MT6218, MT6219, MT6225, the MT6226, MT6227, MT6228 are base-band chips, the chips are the ARM7 core. The early MTK CPU, the 6205,6217,6218,6219 such as FLASH data is not encrypted, the latter part of the CPU such as 6223,6225,6226 BA, 6228,6230, etc. are encrypted FLASH data. The detector of cell phone jammer intelligent system has group management mode.
Here, the meaning of data encryption is not compatible with each other with models of mobile phones. These chipsets also start from a coarse simple, step by step to mature or even excellent. MT6205 is the MTK chip solution, only supports the basic functions of GSM and does not support GPRS, WAP, MP3 and other functions. This time of MTK just the cell phone only, no extension of any third party. The MT6218 slowly, the increase in the MT6205 based on some basic entertainment features GPRS, WAP, MP3 and other. MT6217 and MT6128 pin is fully compatible with low-cost program for the MT6218 software, another MT6217 supports 16bit data.  cell phone jammer has the uniform emitted frequency spectrum density.
MT6219 is the increase on the basis of the MT6218 1.3 million camera processing chip, built-in AIT increase MP4, support 8bit data. MT6225 is a music phone solutions, VGA camera, mobile phone, GPRS, excellent power consumption. MT6226 after the chip can support the webcam function, which means your phone can be used for the QQ video, the phone connected to the computer as a computer camera. MT6226 MT6219's low-cost program product, built-in 300,000 pixel camera processing chip, support for GPRS, WAP, MP3, MP4 and so on, to optimize and improve the internal configuration than MT6219. The shielding interval of  cell phone jammer  accurately lies in the uplink channel of the cell phone.
For example, to configure Bluetooth with very cheap chip CSR's BC03 module USD3 can support data transfer function. MT6226M MT6226 high-profile design, built-in 1.3 million camera processing chip, the expansion of music formats, and supports AVI, 3GP. MT6227 and MT6226 basic functions, but the built-in 2 million camera processing chip. MT6228 increase than the MT6227 TV-OUT function, built-in 3 million camera processing chip support to support GPRS, WAP, MP3, the MP4 and so on. The MT6229 is an upgraded version of MT6228, on the basis of the sliding screen and other features in the 6228's EDGE, sliding screen and other functions, other functions are still the same. Software upgrading of  mobile phone jammer  is feasible enough.

It means cell phone jammer is in the off status

Mobile phone tips: have to let go of your finger to activate the Nokia 7610 input method. Nokia 7610 has a megapixel male capital of beautiful fashion appearance. But it also does not do the face mask, the drawback is that it gets input method input method too much weight code, which is due to Q9 Pinyin Input Method of each word is composed of three yards, while the usual input method The most important thing is four yards, or is not fixed a few yards. The Q9 candidate tend to have more than a dozen to two dozen screen. Not photographed Well. Pressing the shutter. Initial exposure to mobile phone photography, friends, think that taking pictures is so simple. But the shooting has extensive experience in the master can be sent much more. The energy consumption of cell phone jammer is very low.
Specially beloved friend of camera phones to provide some suggestions. Try to use high-pixel camera phone. Camera phones on the market today new one after another, 100 000 pixels to the 1 million-pixel camera phone for everything. Pixel camera phone the higher the photographic ability, the stronger, of course, the better the effect. The following photos in a 100 000 pixel in the mobile phone point of view, if you print out the picture will look very rough, and even unsightly. If you want to print out fine slightly photos, or Contributors to the newspapers and magazines, the best shooting more than 30 megapixel camera phone. Editorial reviewers should pay attention to their creativity, but also the picture effect. It means  mobile phone jammer  is in the off status.
Beginner photography framing, often will be the subject into the center of the screen in focus after pressing the shutter. The monotony of composition is not vivid, suggested that the photographers with the trisection Law composition, actual photographic composition, the main scene and the center should be slightly staggered a little, and pay attention to the echoes between the subject and other objects, keep the shutter pressed halfway and sharpen the focus a little wait for the camera to focus, and then calmly presses the shutter, so that photographs the main scene is more distinctive, prominent, will not be issued virtual fuzzy. The light is strong enough, good shooting. But the light is not the individual will change needed to change the shooting angle, and note the observation of the light irradiation direction, you can follow a light film, as far as possible, shooting objects can be naturally light irradiation to. The company has tackled several technical problems met during improving cell phone jammer .
From the side of the incoming light is generally better to highlight the texture of objects, to make full use of the side light. Backlight or side of the backlight can be considered shelter items, next to the camera, it is not on hand to cover what, alleviate the impact of the backlight. Shooting in bright light also need to be careful, do not use the phone camera shooting into the light, so the results are not good shot. In low light conditions, the phone's shooting is generally not good. Camera phone camera delay phenomenon is generally more obvious, if external camera cell phone camera, this delay phenomenon will be more apparent. If you press the shutter the moment the hand shake, make the photos will be issued to virtual or ambiguous. The education department needs more cell phone jammer .
Therefore, during the shooting must be steady phone, pay attention to the phone after pressing the capture key a "reaction" time, wait a while and then view the shooting, remember do not immediately turn the camera capture key is pressed. Digital zoom, the English name for DigitalZoom is through the built-in processor to each pixel within the area in the picture to enlarge, so you can see a bigger image on the phone. Now camera phone has a digital zoom function, but it is essentially different from the optical zoom to improve clarity. For photographs, it will weaken the sharpness of the image, the effect might as well do not have a digital zoom.  cell phone jammer helps with protecting the safety in the oil depot.