Friday, July 20, 2012

Radius of Covering Range of cell phone jammer

To shorten delivery time, try to do fine with the open box stock standard mold and the mold material. Handset mode for the high demands of precision molds, mold temperature must be strictly controlled, so carrying water to multi-row, to ensure that no more than three out of the water temperature degree. In order to improve the molding cycle, relatively large diameter water transport is appropriate. Change the mode for mobile phones are generally a lot of inserts easy to do for the future, especially after the mold products are transported below the water must not do. Note the product out of body parts when wiring the control to ensure that the product does not produce the segment should not be poor, do not wire affect the appearance. Only the downward frequency of the base station signal will be shielded by cell phone jammer.
To reduce the wiring, inserts can be as much as possible with the previous model with the discharge or when polished. After a good customer products and more on the mold surface is also required, in order to achieve good performance, thimble can work together to EDM. To ensure accurate positioning before and after the mold, do guided auxiliary column and sub-surface positioning device assisted positioning boss. The product delivery and more urgent, to seize the market to help customers as quickly as possible, to try to shorten the molding cycle. INSERT beer for goods such methods take more time to avoid, with beer later ultrasound and other methods to complete. The complex structure of mobile phone products, mold by, inserted through a lot, each mold should be made on the part drawing instructions, easy processing and fitter. The upward frequency will not be influenced by cell phone jammer.
Products important to the assembly position should bear many parts of iron material tolerances. Due to injection pressure, high yield, the lifter must be done perpendicular to the direction of the platform to mold to withstand injection pressure. The complex structure of the product small, slant very thin, so make double-style slant. Thimble flat slant because many of the top of the smooth, thimble plate guide pin must be done. ARRANGE support head. More potential with an automatic cut off and the horn into the water to improve water productivity (soft-type parts are not used); ensure less residual traces of the gate (to avoid pouring boss can be done by the injection at plastic round table).

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