Friday, May 18, 2012

Cell phone jammer wouldn’t influence the normal work of other electronic equipment

the type of audio signal received wire transfer number to determine the live camera video signal point integrated circuit wiring side group, platform type, and group inspection groups circuit protection in an integrated way. MDPB-02 cell phone jammer could effectively shield signals from all kinds of cell phones.The platform group of the third step, approach to prepare a special cable and equipment to prepare the list for the procurement of materials and equipment procurement to ensure that all equipment docking site business group, a comprehensive set of integrated group , the platform group will prepare all the broadcast equipment commissioning and equipment used to move the venue site and assembled on-site commissioning, while maintaining the effectiveness of live pre-judge; integrated group on-line branch platform permits to adjust all field devices, the line group, the network group can participate in field testing the fourth step, live broadcast and network equipment on-site conditions to ensure maximum operating efficiency integrated group live.MDPB-02  cell phone jammer wouldn’t influence the normal work of other electronic equipment. Platform group control fruit, on-site guidance to operate the sub-venue broadcast live video taken live video broadcast signal acquisition set letter to ensure that no site-site mobile phone signal (to the business group to determine the number of shielded network monitoring site installation) live network conditions to ensure an integrated set of comprehensive set of network group statistics on the scene in a timely manner to ensure that all participants are cables on the line side and not contact the IT outsourcing call, complete on-line at the venue throughout the general manager, commissioning staff contacts the fifth step, dismantling equipment, finishing, packing video broadcast equipment,     cell phone jammer comprehensive set of lines, platforms, comprehensive set of group business group line removal, packing dismantling, handling, finishing sixth step, the sum of the annual summary of the whole process of live statistics of all the companies of all logins.Once you turn the MDPB-02 cell phone jammer on, it would work immediately. So the comprehensive set of fault conditions and broadcast live to complete analysis of the quality of the final report summary will be integrated within the group held all participants implementation details: the first step, the first step, document preparation 1 group involved in the video segment to inform the content of roughly as follows: live commissioning arrangements and precautions to fully protect the private network transmission bandwidth, during the live broadcast (* month * day) to prohibit any people within the BT network in the special class downloads, online games, watch video and work-related network resources such as network bandwidth serious operation. when the Information Engineering Department will be closed private network exports (video conferencing and RTX does not affect log does not affect systems running the business) to ensure live effects. Normally cell phone jammer in the area 200m beyond the base station plays best.To ensure the main venue and the various sub-venue video signal transmission stability and continuous, live video conference at the venue during the charge to ensure that RTX real-time online so you can experience video problems a timely manner.

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