Sunday, May 20, 2012

The radius of covering range of cell phone jammer

Cargo system is acquired from all over the country to the old phone; cell phonefactory scrap, the industry called A Juan SIS or "system goods". "Cargo system" mainly from South Korea and Japan, after retirement from the production line through the layers of channels into the Shenzhen market, the quality varied widely. Acquisition of the old machine in the world and focus (including the dirty goods. Production of mobile cell phonemarket inferior products .14 secret), all the tracks from entering Hong Kong by the Hong Kong companies were bought. Shenzhen mobile cell phoneindustry (such systems are generally called goods) into Hong Kong to Hong Kong companies to purchase and transport from various tracks to Shenzhen, EC goods industry and then sell refurbished phones scattered industry. More than 200m away from the base station, the radius of covering range of     cell phone jammer is 20-50m.
Now the mobile cell phonehas gradually out of a simple communication tool for identity, and gradually transformed into a multimedia and information terminal equipment, the next routine communication, entertainment, finance and other activities are carried out through mobile phones. When you see one in every novel and has a high-performance, bright design of mobile phones appears, you have such a curiosity, this cell phonein the end is how the design and manufacture out of it? So today we try to use a technical objective point of view, to simply describe the construction and mobile cell phonedesign department and the relationship between government departments. Finally, to show before the cell phoneby the manufacturer to the various tests available, so that we can better understand mobile phones, more cherish your love machine. The failed or damaged     cell phone jammer    can be promptly found.
Maybe you in the future it will not easily replace it. With a relatively simple interpretation of the general needs of the most basic mobile cell phonedesign companies have six departments: ID, MD, HW, SW, PM, Sourcing, QA. Including mobile phones appearance, texture, feel, color combinations, the main interface implementation and other aspects of design and color. For example, Motorola "Ming" flip translucent, rounded appearance of the Nokia 7610, Sony Ericsson W550 sun orange and so on. The user experience is a special experience and industrial design areas are mobile phone, a cell phoneis to be the best-selling products, mobile cell phoneindustrial design is particularly important. If there are too many buildings, one more     cell phone jammer    can be added.
Cell phonebefore the shell after shell, the location of the phone's camera lens choice, a fixed way, how to connect the battery, the thickness of the phone. If a slider phone, how to make cell cell phoneslip up, play up how to achieve automatic, SIM card and how to pull the plug arrangement, these are areas of mobile cell phonedesign. Complicated parts required for MD staff are very familiar with the materials and processes. Motorola V3 with 13.9mm thickness of the mobile cell phonemarket set off a craze, V3 mobile cell phonein order to thin as a selling point, because of its cell phonecasing material selection is critical, so the shell by V3 technology advanced aircraft-grade aluminum alloy crafted. Can be said that a special choice of shell material achievements of the V3's success. This set of intelligent management     cell phone jammer system will record any operation of the system.
Another response to individual users in the use of some ultra-thin slider mobile phone, answer the cell phonewhen the cell phonecan always feel the shell from side to side before, this is the cell phonedesign is a problem, because the phone's shell is too thin, call the speaker vibration when the cell phoneis easy to produce a resonance body. The main circuit and antenna hardware design, and HW and MD to maintain regular communication. MD asked to do such as thin, so thin it also works the circuit. MD also will be required to place the antenna HW area is relatively large, and also far enough away from the battery, HW ID will be asked not to be placed near the antenna with metal accessories. It can remotely control and manage     cell phone jammer   .

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