Friday, May 18, 2012

The workshop is trying to get more money for further development of cell phone jammer

The data sent in each a character before and after the start of the increase in a one stop bit, bit, one stop bit, with start and stop bits to be transmitted to indicate the character of the beginning and end of the beginning and end characters in the receiver remove, the only place in the middle of the character is to be transmitted in the receiver to remove, the only place in the middle is to be transmitted characters. The workshop is trying to get more money for further development of    cell phone jammer .This transmission technology because a lot of additional increasing, the only signal, this transmission technology because a lot of additional increasing effect, only the signal, so the transmission efficiency is not high, asynchronous transfer mode communication as shown in Figure 2-13. shown the transmission efficiency is not high, asynchronous transfer mode communication as shown in ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode Asynchronous synchronous transmission synchronous transmission, also known as frame synchronization. isochronous transfers, also known as frame synchronization. It is composed of a set of character data block synchronization.The subfactory is investing more money to the technology research of     cell phone jammer     .  In order to ensure synchronization , for synchronization. In order to ensure synchronization, the general self-synchronization method, in addition to the transmit clock and receive clock need to synchronize external (generally self-synchronization method, from data extracted clock signal from the data to extract the clock signal, Manchester and Differential Manchester may be), so that the receiver must also be able to accurately determine the beginning and end of data (so that the receiver must also be able to accurately determine the beginning and end of data (general practice is in front of a block synchronization signal or a certain length previously, the practice is in front of a certain data block length of the synchronization signal or earlier, after the data block synchronization signal or added later, as shown in Figure 2-14.) block or added later after the sync signal, as shown in Figure .) earlier, later added the information to be transferred, earlier, later added the information to be transferred to form a complete asynchronous transfer mode data unit, called frames. The expert has inspected the new   cell phone jammer .mode of data units, called frames. receiver detected earlier, the description of the sender has begun sending data, the receiver detects the foregoing, the description of the sender has begun sending data, the receiving end use from the data extracted clock signal as the receiver clock, the receiver to use from the data extracted a clock signal as the receive clock, in order to receive data before, after, until after the text appears. in order to receive the data before, after, until after the text appears. 2.3.3 Figure 2-14 synchronous transmission synchronous transmission 2.4 Data multiplexing data multiplexing: In order to improve the efficiency of communication lines, data multiplexing: In order to improve the efficiency of communication lines, transmission lines in the same way on the simultaneous transmission of multiple signals without any interference of different technologies, a data multiplexing technology without disturbing each other's technology, a data multiplexing Data Multiplexing divided into data multiplexing frequency division multiplexing time division multiplexing wavelength division multiplexing, while communication multiplexer, The skilled engineer has found the technical problems of the designed     cell phone jammer     . while communication multiplexer (multiplexer) always always demultiplexer (demultiplexer) in pairs to use in pairs to use and the use of a demultiplexer pairs, frequency division multiplexing frequency division multiplexing: All users in the same occupy different time-division multiplexing with broadband: All users at the same time take a different bandwidth.

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