Tuesday, May 22, 2012

To improve the quality of cell phone jammer

In recent years, Nokia has been suggested that enterprises with a cell phone instead of the original desktop telecell phone system (ie, PBX, the English abbreviation for the PBX). Nokia claims that this can greatly improve efficiency and save the desktop call management expenses, as are outdated desktop cell phone that no one be used again. But few companies approved Nokia's point of view, PBX sales are still growing. In fact, just the cell phone business as an integral part of business communication. Nokia seems to give up, and thus changed his story. Nokia's enterprise voice business executives Jacques ? Aoke Ning said: "For large enterprises using wireless communication technology is just unrealistic, fixed-line telecell phone has its place." Nokia claims that change is the emergence of the trend of convergence of fixed and wireless, This is the latest telecom industry boom. Many experts of    cell phone jammer    devote much spare time to improve the quality of cell phone jammer .
Supporters claim that this convergence of mobile and wireline services to break the barriers between so that all save money while promoting the introduction of new services. But in reality there is no integration of the basic service, which is the Nokia cell phones that use the existing access to PBX services charm. Aoke Ning said: "there are around 430 million PBX lines and about 200 million cell phone business and our goal is to win market share in fixed telephony." Nokia hopes the market leader with Avaya and Cisco deal to speed up this work. "I see between the fixed and cell phones conflict, rather than integration", consulting firm Quocirca principal analyst Rob ? Ban House, said: "This will cause damage, some companies will fail, even big companies must be two-pronged approach to avoid the loss so that we see once impossible 'Sleeping in bed' of the two technologies in close to each other. " The factory praised the technical staff members in successfully researching the technical problems of    cell phone jammer    .
Avaya and Nokia signed a cooperation agreement, is the strategic transformation of the most convincing case. Nokia to 60 kinds of commercial software developed series of cell phones, making Avaya's PBX users can use a simple graphical interface to all the features of office systems. Cell phone itself has become another PBX extension. PBX functionality and mobility will combine the needs of the enterprise there is a long time, few mobile service providers to meet this demand. Integration of independent companies will deal with this problem. Business is not really wish to assume this responsibility. "System integration requires a complex infrastructure, many companies want to pay for the service provider management of such services." Aoke Ning said. Quocirca, a survey shows that IT executives in Europe, 70% of the services provided by the service providers interested in, which is a by the PBX as the host, will be tied up wireline and wireless communications services. The aluminum alloy heatsink and a fan can help with the heat dissipation of the channel of    cell phone jammer .
PBX Another advantage is the system that can reduce costs because the system can call free of charge in the internal communication network transmission, without the need through the public telecell phone system. In contrast, cell phone roaming charges due to charge transfer fees and the Internet, usually the most expensive form of communication. Nokia estimated mobile voice communications in the enterprise ICT spending accounted for 10% -25%, which is higher than any other business systems, including SAP and other costly systems. Telecom users to organize the Union of European Virtual Private Network Xi Aide ? Funk said: "Mobility is a key element composition of staff efficiency, but the cost is high. Mobile environment should be suitable for private fixed-line environment, in order to reduce costs."     cell phone jammer     can work continuously without any break.

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