Friday, May 18, 2012

Many customers speak highly of this kind of cell phone jammer

However, now we began to focus shifted to the innovative experiences on the user interface development, is now beginning to shift the focus to the development of innovative experiences in the user interface which import the new interface control technology. The initiator of the revolutionary wave of this wave interface, it is the iPhone. Why the iPhone will hit? The initiator of the revolutionary wave of this wave interface? The product review of    cell phone jammer can be written here. If the look of its technical specifications, in fact, currently on the market other smart phone and not much different, in fact, not much difference on the communication support and currently on the market other smart phones and even somewhat more fragile ( only supports GSM 850/900/1800/1900) 850/900/1800/1900), but a launch is still to let the market by storm, its main selling point is its record of its main selling point is its innovative interface operations. iPhone realized the innovative interface of almost no use of buttons, and reached to touch the iPhone 3.5 English-inch large-screen browsing and purpose of execution reached to touch-inch large-screen browsing and implement the purpose behind the The key technology is the multi-touch (Multi-touch) panel technology. The following will explore where the advantages of this technology and design difficulty. The manufacturing process of    cell phone jammer       is very outstanding. The following will discuss the advantages and design of this technology where the touch panel technology is the common touch panel technology on the market broadly include surface acoustic wave SAW), the common market of the optical (Infrared) touch panel technology is broadly include the difficulty of surface acoustic wave ((the Infrared), resistive, surface capacitive (Surface Capacitive) (Surface Capacitive) and projected capacitive (the projective Capacitive), five are described below as follows: Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) surface acoustic wave touch panel transmission converter and the reflector installed on the glass, receiving converters, and controller components such as surface acoustic wave touch panel transmission converter and sounding board as well as controllers and other components installed on the glass, not painted on the glass surface. Many customers speak highly of this kind of    cell phone jammer .The other coating layer of the glass surface not coated with a coating layer works as a surface acoustic wave transmission in the glass when its surface is connected to its working principle is the surface acoustic wave transmission in the glass, touch the contact material will absorb Ultrasonic attenuation caused by, the contact material will absorb ultrasound and attenuation derived attenuation before and after use and calculate the precise location via the controller. pure glass as the sensor panel, so a high durability, image quality also an excellent image quality is excellent; can use a variety of soft advantages are its stability can be maintained through the correction due to pure glass as the tip of the sensor panel to do the touch; its disadvantages include water surface flow, will cause through correction to maintain its stability and its shortcomings, including when there is water in the system when the surface flow of miscarriage of justice; have considerable difficulty in the device installed, there is considerable difficulty in the device installed. of SAW general application in Kiosk or vending machines or vending machines. More and more customers orders this kind of    cell phone jammer       . optical optical touch panel composed by the components of the glass substrate, the infrared emission source, an infrared receiver optical touch panel is made of glass infrared receiver, etc. component composed of the principle is to use light to receive the interdiction to determine the location similar to the SAW, optical pure glass to filter and optical pure glass filter, so they can get excellent image quality and durability.

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